Excerpt from chapter

Once upon a time there was a happy momma cita. She had been blessed with a young man and looked forward to welcoming a little girl into their world. when her son was born he had long feet that looked liked skis. And you know what they say about hands and feet! we felt that he might grown into those feet, and he did, he was 6 foot tall, size 13 shoes.. when my daughter arrived after I went on a cleaning spree- while the coffee pot, i sent electricity though my body with a jolt - she decided to make he arrival. But she was not the prettiest baby you ever saw. She seem to be all legs and arms I thought she looked like a frog, isnt that awful for a mom to say. She was given the nick name Toad and I still call her that today at age 33.. She actually signed her notes to me with Toada! But dont worry it was not long before both of my children grew into being handsome and beautiful, little clones of myself. Megan Wallace Kyle Joyce

Part of Read inventory -2nd Grade  PennyMcInnis

Back in the days of "ole", when I was learning to read, phonics was the one and only way to approach the subject.  If students did not get the concept of phonics they were just plain out of luck; I was one of those poor pitiful souls.  As my punishment, I failed the second grade just because I could not read. Mrs. Myrus, my first second-grade teacher, taught me about Monarch Butterflies and polyhedrons (a many-sided object). Mrs. Myrus also turned out to be my second, second-grade teacher. Again, I did not learn to read, but I learned all I did not want to know about the Monarch Butterfly and polyhedrons. Mrs. Myrus decided that she had been in the second-grade long enough (twenty years), so she could do the next twenty years in the third grade. Unfortunately for me, I was passed on to Mrs. Myrus once again, still unable to read. I had Mrs. Myrus for my third grade teacher for the third year in a row. Again, I was taught about the many facets of the Monarch Butterfly family, and let's not forget those many sided objects. I  never latched on to the phonics wagon; I basically faked my way through the school system, not being able to read.